4. Functions


We focus only on the additional functions not available in the upstream version of this fork.

You may find this section particularly useful if you would like to customize the existing features or add other features of your own.

In setup.sh, where these functions live, there’s also a main() function which, as the name implies, is the main function. All these functions are called inside this main() function. If you write your own function, you’ll wanna find somewhere within the main() function to call it.


Here we restrict access to the server and secure shared memory


At the time of developing this script, I was dealing primarily with AWS EC2 deployments, where you have to update the hostname and the /etc/hosts file, plus made some changes to the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg. I realized that this was not required for other cloud service providers (e.g. Digital Ocean droplets and Hetzner Cloud servers). Therefore, by default, the call to this function is commented out in the main() function. You might wanna uncomment if deploying on AWS.


Install Node.js, yarn and some important global node packages


Global git configuration involving setting up of user.name, user.email and color.ui true


Here we install and configure zsh, Oh My Zsh and the powerlevel10k theme.


Simple ruby setup. Ruby is needed for the Janus Vim distribution, colorls and the Travis CI Client, among others.


Tmux comes already installed with Ubuntu, and so there’s no need to install it. Here we just install the Tmux Plugin Manager and add some configurations and styling (using Powerline)


First and foremost, we install python, pip and related dev / build tools. Then, we install and configure virtualenvwrapper and uWSGI. Lastly, but not the least, we prepare the server for Celery, based on this blog post.


Install and configure Vim & related plugins, courtesy of the Janus Vim Distribution.


Install and configure PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Redis and Memcached.


Install and configure Nginx and Certbot (plus the certbot-dns-cloudflare plugin). This includes adding a cron job whith a Let’s Encrypt renewal hook. Also generate a strong set of 4096 bit DH (Diffie-Hellman) parameters using openSSL.


Install and configure Postfix and related mail utilities. The setup assumes you’re using Sendgrid’s SMTP server/relay, but this can easily be customized to use other providers such as Mailjet, for instance.


Updates notification, unattended upgrades, logs and other necessary System Administration stuff.


Install and configure fail2ban, lynis and rkhunter.


Setup some folders for common operations, copy the custom scripts to the ~/bin directory and install geckodriver (for use with selenium).


Here we install a bunch of other packages that I find to be very useful. See Additional Packages for the details of these extra packages. Note that the list includes texlive-full, which may take a while to download and install. So if you’re in a hurry and don’t really need a full TeX distribution, then perhaps you might wanna comment it out.