6. Contributing

Contributions of any kind welcome! 🎉

When contributing to ubuntu-server-setup, please first create an issue to discuss the change you wish to make before making a change.

6.1. Before making a pull request


This repo uses some Node.js-based tools (commitizen and standard-version) as part of the dev workflow. So, before you proceed, you’ll need to ensure that Node.js is installed on your machine, and you are able to use npm to install Node.js packages

  1. First, install the Commitizen cli tool if you don’t already have it on your system: sudo npm install commitizen -g

  2. Fork the repository.

  3. Clone the repository from your GitHub.

  4. Run npm install to install local Node.js packages

  5. Update .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg with the following code:

exec < /dev/tty && node_modules/.bin/cz --hook || true
  1. Check out a new branch and add your modification.

  2. Run shellcheck: npm run shellcheck and ensure that it completes with an exit 0 status. If your changes have introduced some warnings, please try and address them. If you have good reason to ignore some of them, then mention this in the “longer description” portion of your commit.

  3. Update README.md for your changes.

  4. Commit your changes via git commit, following the prompts to appropriately categorize your commit.

  5. Send a pull request 🙏